This tangram is for preview only. The tangram in the acccepted assignment may be different.
This is your first time doing this task! We want to know a bit more about the language you speak. Your response will not affect your qualification or the acceptance your assignment.
This shape, as a whole, looks like .
The parts you annotated:
1. If you entered the same annotation, the "Annotate" button will become "Add to Group" to add the newly selected piece(s) into the existing annotion group.
2. Delete an annotation by clicking next to the annotation.
3. You have to annotate all pieces in order to submit. Try to come up with an annotation for each part. If you can't think of an annotation for a part, use the "I don't know" button to annotate.
Click to select one or multiple pieces that constitute a meaningful part:
The part you selected looks like .